Friday 12 March 2010

In the Kitchen: Itsy Bitsy Chocolate Chip Cookies

So, I made this the other day. Itsy Bitsy Chocolate Chip Cookies from Heidi at 101cookbooks.
They turned out pretty well. Nothing groundbraking, but they taste very good. And it took a whole lot less labor and mess than I thought it would.
Also, I'm rather pleased with the photos I managed to take about them... don't know what made me photograph them against a magazine back cover, but it seems to me that it was a good idea. Now Lara Stone (in Louis Vuitton) is lying there trapped under the itsy bitsy cookies, seemingly wanting to have some... :P


Anonymous said...

Méghogy you're no photographer... get outta here! Nekem nagyon tetszik! És tényleg jó ötlet volt a magazin back-cover háttérrel fényképezni. Nagyon kreativ!
Most megyek a Madridos fejezetekhez.

agnes szucs said...

Thanks a lot!!!