Thursday 31 July 2008

Wednesday 30 July 2008


Two more croquis from last semester's work at school.
Frankly, I love croquis. Don't know why. Maybe because I don't like working on the same thing for a long time. But this is not necessarily true. It depends.
Graphite stick on paper, size ca. A4, each

Friday 11 July 2008

Teddy Croquis

I made these teddy croquis back in 2006 before I went to universitiy. For the admittance we also had to present a whole portfolio along with life studies and graphic design work, and these teddies were also part of it.

Monday 7 July 2008

Inspiration: Sculptures in the Cemetery

Odd thing, but you can find beauty in a cemetery. These pictures were not taken by me, I actually downoladed them from the Net, but I think I will visit one of our cemeteries sometime.
It's marvellous how these sculptures manage to combine death, pain and sorrow with real beauty. These sculptures are from the tombs of a sculptor that he shares with his wife and the tomb of the wife of another great sculptor, both Hungarian.
Though I have never made a sculpture in my life, I tend to be attracted to them. This sunday I'm leaving for art camp. I'll be there for two weeks, and I'll spend a whole week making sculptures or at least being introduced into sculpting.

Tuesday 1 July 2008

Linocut print

This is a linocut print that I made at school last semester. We had a new subject about printmaking techniqes and we had to try all major types of these techniques including lithography, drypoint and etching. I truly enjoyed them.
I will scan these prints as I think much is lost at photographing them.