Saturday 27 December 2008

Drapery study

Drapery study that I made last year at school.
Pastel on pale blue-gray tinted paper. 50 by 70 cms.
Click to enlarge.

Sunday 21 December 2008

Inspiration: Kollwitz

So powerful and so much full of sorrow.
Kathe Kollwitz is worth to be known more about.

Thursday 18 December 2008

Two Back Studies

Two recent life studies from school. They don't seem perfect but they are not bad either.
This semester, for the first time, it was not mandatory for us to draw (I mean life drawing), but I enrolled in a life drawing class so that I won't "forget" how to draw. I don't need to tell that I didn't bother to attend up till 3 weeks ago when I realized I had a lot to catch up on, so I went crazy and started drawing 3 or 4 times a week. There was one day when I made some 20 or 30 drawings (mostly croquis though). At first I really thought I had forgotten how to draw, but to my great surprise, I hadn't. Maybe my mind kept on drawing while my hands took a rest from work.
Sanguine plus pastel pencil on A3-size paper and graphite stick plus graphite pencil on A3-size paper.
Click to enlarge.

Sunday 7 December 2008

Family: My Nephew Balint

This is one of my nephews Balint, playing the football star that he's going to be. He's real good at football.

Friday 5 December 2008

Scull study

Life study (or death study) made last semester. I made this with pastel on tinted paper.

Wednesday 12 November 2008


Last semester we had to "design" aliens, supposing that we discovered a new planet with life.
My creatures have powerful antennae in their bodies thus they can receive any wavelength in the whole universe, over any distance. Their favourit place to "receive" is Earth. They love Earth's culture and painting (especially Baroque).
They have no real skin. Instead, their body is covered mostly with small ledlike cells. Thus they can simply (with just a thought) project any picture on their body. The above ones project paintings found in Earth's museums. Funny thing, but they can somehow feel what these paintings are all about and the pictures they project on themselves somehow reflect who they are. But of course they can change these "chlothes" any moment if they want to.

Saturday 1 November 2008

Inspiration: Quotes

Whenever I'm in doubt (and sometimes I am) about my own capabilities either in art or otherwise, it's good to read texts or just quotes that remind me of the fact that I'm a spirit capable of virtually anything. It's so easy to forget this.
Me as an artist tend to fear being wrong. This leads to creating mediocre stuff or sometimes even to not creating at all. I know I have to be more courrageous and not fear being wrong. On my way to being a great (or at least good) artist I will make many mistakes, and I should not be afraid of this.

Tuesday 26 August 2008

Saul Bass

School work again. This one is from my very first semester at the university. In the Graphic Design History class we had to draw from various names of graphic designers that were put on little pieces of paper, and then make a 4-page publication about that guy in a style that he used to have. Mine was Saul Bass, whose work I already had liked a lot by that time. You can check out some of his work at under this link:
At that time it was only his work featured on, but now I visited the site, and found that by now it features a lot more films that are not coming to a theatre near you.

Thursday 14 August 2008

My Crest

Last semester we had to create a crest for ourselves, and this is mine. The way I make such a thing is that I first draw it on paper, than scan it, and recreate it in Adobe Illustrator, so the result is a scalable vector image.
I also made a colored version (red and orange as far as I remember), but I prefer this B/W one.
I don't use it though, maybe I should.

Sunday 10 August 2008

Another poster for Billy Eliot

Another version of the Billy Eliot poster that I made for school. I myself prefer this one over the previous one, as here it is not that obvious that the upper arm on the left is too short. I don't think that this poster conveys what Billy Eliot is all about, but as a poster, it's not bad. The main idea here was simply that Billy was the only boy in the ballet school in his hometown.

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Inspiration: An Italian Flair

I found these images on The Sartorialist blog. Nice and inspirative. I love what could be called an Italian feeling, Italian easy living, an elegant yet casual way of l ife.

Thursday 31 July 2008

Wednesday 30 July 2008


Two more croquis from last semester's work at school.
Frankly, I love croquis. Don't know why. Maybe because I don't like working on the same thing for a long time. But this is not necessarily true. It depends.
Graphite stick on paper, size ca. A4, each

Friday 11 July 2008

Teddy Croquis

I made these teddy croquis back in 2006 before I went to universitiy. For the admittance we also had to present a whole portfolio along with life studies and graphic design work, and these teddies were also part of it.

Monday 7 July 2008

Inspiration: Sculptures in the Cemetery

Odd thing, but you can find beauty in a cemetery. These pictures were not taken by me, I actually downoladed them from the Net, but I think I will visit one of our cemeteries sometime.
It's marvellous how these sculptures manage to combine death, pain and sorrow with real beauty. These sculptures are from the tombs of a sculptor that he shares with his wife and the tomb of the wife of another great sculptor, both Hungarian.
Though I have never made a sculpture in my life, I tend to be attracted to them. This sunday I'm leaving for art camp. I'll be there for two weeks, and I'll spend a whole week making sculptures or at least being introduced into sculpting.

Tuesday 1 July 2008

Linocut print

This is a linocut print that I made at school last semester. We had a new subject about printmaking techniqes and we had to try all major types of these techniques including lithography, drypoint and etching. I truly enjoyed them.
I will scan these prints as I think much is lost at photographing them.

Friday 27 June 2008

Poster for Billy Eliot, the movie

This is one of the posters I made for Billy Eliot as a school assignment.
Billy Eliot is among my favorite movies ever. Adorable.
I'm not sure of whether this poster is good enough or not, I didn't show this version anyone except perhaps my brother and my boyfriend.

Sunday 20 April 2008

Our Peace Dove

This is our "peace dove" at the end of the corridor that leads to our studio at school. They don't bother to repair this broken window (or any other broken windows), but I just don't mind.

Tuesday 25 March 2008


Earlier I posted already three pages from this so-called calendar. We didn't have to construct a real wall calendar out of the images, but rather a posterlike sheet so that we can display them at year-end exhibition.

Saturday 22 March 2008

An illustration

A small illustration that I made for a spread of my women's weekly magazine. You can see more of this magazine here.

Friday 21 March 2008

A sole

This sole was made as a school assignment. Everyone had received a word starting with the letter "t", and had to make a "t" into an image representing the word. Of course, sole in Hungarian starts with a "t".

Sunday 16 March 2008

Saturday 15 March 2008

Inspiration: Black and White

Whether in fashion, interior design, graphic design or fine arts, Black-and-white is almost always a very powerful combination. Maybe because our world is very colorful already. Also, this combination gives the highest possible contrast. Black-and-white looks elegant. Depending on their proportion to each other, black-and-white can look fresh and pleasant, or it can look frightful, as illustrated by the above pictures.

Sources: , , , .

PS: I love dots.

Sunday 2 March 2008

Inspiration: A nice composition

I find this simple composition extremely nice. It is not symmetrical but balanced. I like the idea of taking something very simple, like this torn fence and making it into something really artful.
Apparently, this aquatint print was made by a teacher at our university.

Wednesday 27 February 2008

A women's weekly magazine

Cover and a few spreads from a women's weekly magazine that we had to make last semester as an assignment in school. We had to take an actual national weekly mag (everyone the same one), and remake twelve pages (also fixed by our teacher). I worked a lot on it. We also had to take into account that this was not an expensive glossy magazine, that it is to be produced over ad over every week, and we had to consider what possibly could be expected or accepted by the audience. In the end I was rather pleased with the result.

Tuesday 26 February 2008

Logos made by hand

I made these logos at the admittance exam for the university. As I told before, we had no access to computers, thus we had to do everything by hand. I handed in the sketches as well, so that the teachers can see my thinking that went into the resultant logos. I quite like these logos. My favorite is the middle one in the upper row, where the negative shapes form a letter K. The assignment was to make a logo for a small theatre called KAMRA (meaning Pantry).

Wednesday 6 February 2008

Inspiration: Barcsay

But let me return to the "drawing side" of life and share with you the above drawings. Barcsay was a teacher of my current anatomy (Anatomy for Artists) teacher, whom I like a lot. Barcsay was a constructivist painter. Still, he took on himself the responsibility of teaching human anatomy to the artist wannabes at the Academy (university), and devised a sytem for teaching anatomy. We still study by his system. You can buy his anatomy book at

Monday 4 February 2008

Inspiration: Lacroix

Even in graphic design, many times I find the inspiration I need in fashion, especially for color. Whenever I make a moodboard, I would browse the Web or flip through magazines to find the mood that later on I want to convey in my design, and quite often, I find it in outfits or fashion photography.
As for Christian Lacroix, he's among my all-time favourites. Excentric but lovable.
(foto source: