Wednesday 3 March 2010

Barcelona: La Sagrada Famiglia

Just came back from a rather short trip to Barcelona and Madrid. It was amazing.
I went with some 50 other students from the university...
Don't know what to say... it was really, really amazing... worth every penny... even tho we took the train and had to change some twenty times alltogether... :P


Anonymous said...

Jaj, ezt nagyon jó hallani! Nadehát... hol vannak a képek?! You didn't take only two, did you?

agnes szucs said...

No... I'll post some more later on...

Anonymous said...

Oxikaaaa.... maybe a Facebookra? Ott sok kép elfér :)

agnes szucs said...

quite a good idea... :)
és azt hiszem, párat felteszek majd még ide is...

LindseyBee said...

When I visited Barcelona, La Sagrada Famiglia was still being worked on! It is still beautiful, though, isn't it? I miss it!

agnes szucs said...

@LindseyBee... Haha! As I heard it has always been being worked on, so that they can keep asking for money for the work! :) But it's still beautiful! I miss Spain, too... I hope to get back there sometime.