Monday 16 August 2010


We started rephotographing our old slides and negatives (rolls)... We laugh a lot. In most of the photos of my early childhood, I think, I look like a boy, beacause I had short hair... these ones are some exceptions.


Nedda Ebo said...

oh this is so cute!

I love your blog so much! Very creative...definitely going to follow you.

Mustart x

agnes szucs said...

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you like it!
:) :)

Anonymous said...

you were cute baby Agnes :)

agnes szucs said...

Thank you!!! :):)

Monique said...

This blog is so different, i like honey ;)

agnes szucs said...

thanks, Monique! :) :)

Anonymous said...

Azt hiszem ez a kép az egész augusztusomat visszamenőleg nagyságrendekkel megdobta! Köszönöm!

agnes szucs said...

:D :D :D Köszi, Imi! Örülök neki, nagyon!

Prell Norbert said...

Látom mindig ilyen fiatal voltál.. :)

Sabina said...

Amazingly cute :))) Great photos :)
I'd be glad if you found the time to visit my blog - if you like it (and I hope you will), feel free to comment and follow of course (Who would have thought, huh? :)))

agnes szucs said...

Thanks, Sabina!

Silver Strands said...

Gorgeous photos. Absolutely gorgeous.

agnes szucs said...

Silver Strands, thank you so much!

Sabina said...

OK, fun&random coincidence - did you by any chance ever used to work at a company called Electrolux?

Sabina said...

OK, never mind then, no coincidence :D Yes, I am very Czech indeed :))) Is that a good thing? ;)))

Sabina said...

That's interesting you say that - unlike some people from the Czech republic, I definitely consider myself eastern European... Yes, geographically we are in Central Europe, but the language we speak and the way of living and mentality is nothing like that of other central European countries (with the exception of Slovakia), so apart from the maps, we're very eastern. I used to say central, too.... But now I have the most fantastic boyfriend, who happens to be Russian, and I notice so many similarities between the way we think and how we were brought up and all that, that I must say eastern European through and through :))

monika fejes said...

Agnes your other blog, inspired not working! The computer detect as a dangerous place, maybe viruses...

Anonymous said...

Hi so nice to see and read more about you. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. You are lovely

agnes szucs said...

Thanks, very, very much, Mosaicista!

Karen said...

Hey Agnes!
How lovely are these pictures. Nothing can beat looking at old photographs and laugh and remember things that seemed forgotten for good.

best wishes.

agnes szucs said...

Karen, thanks very much! :)
Yep, I, too love looking at old photos and remember the old days.

behindblueeyes said...

wow so cute!

kisses from behind blue eyes

agnes szucs said...

:) :)
Thanks, Agnieszka!